The Deeper Issues Are Most Important

The women who participate in Weight of Grace groups tend to each focus in on one particular aspect of the process of experiencing freedom from overeating, sometimes to the exclusion of other important aspects of that process.  Many women really like to zero in on...

The Destructive Trap of Weighing Yourself

Women tend to keep track of whether they are “succeeding” or “failing” at meeting cultural standards regarding size by weighing themselves. There is a feeling of control women get from knowing that number, and many believe that if they don’t know their weight, their...

Staying in Grace Mode

Finding freedom from overeating and continuing to experience that freedom has a great deal to do with understanding God’s grace and constantly partaking of it. Self-discipline is a form of self-reliance that ultimately fails and even backfires, but self-control is a...

Where Do You Get the Motivation?

Women often ask me where I get the motivation to eat moderately, include plenty of physical movement in my schedule, and meet regularly with the Lord by reading his Word and through prayer. These were all activities for which I had absolutely no motivation at one time...

Feel and Express Instead of Suppress

It’s been a tough couple of weeks. Last Friday I was too stressed and depressed to write my usual weekly blog post. But I did reflect on the fact that I once turned instantly to food – a lot of it – whenever I was even the slightest bit stressed or down. And there I...

Does God Speak Personally to You?

So often we don’t believe that God will or actually can speak to us at all, let alone about such a tremendously subjective matter as our own hidden agendas. However, there have been many times when I’ve asked God to make clear to me what was going on behind my...