What Being Fat Does for You

One of the questions I ask Weight of Grace participants is, “What is good about being ‘fat’?” Almost always, the first answer given to that question is, “Nothing!!” But, usually it takes just one or two examples to jump-start a stream of responses; such as, you don’t...

WHO Told You That?!

Think about this for just a few quiet minutes: Exactly who told you that you’re “fat”? Who told you that you’re “ugly”? Who told you that you’re not qualified to serve at church or go to that party or have a baby or get married or have a good job because you’re...

Inward and Upward (Not Outward)

Do you feel pressured to fit into the latest clothing fad but your body just doesn’t cooperate? Why does it seem that whatever is in style – and it changes constantly – just doesn’t really work for most women? There’s a battle that has been waging since the Fall – a...

Is Eating Out a Treat or a Trap?

Women with a history of overeating can truly dread eating out—so many pitfalls, so many opportunities to overeat or eat what is “illegal” on whatever eating plan they’re following. But, in light of God’s grace, eating out can be a treat—the welcome departure from meal...

Where Do I Start?

Over the years women who have come to the end of their rope with dieting and then regaining weight have ended up in Weight of Grace groups discouraged, but hopeful that there is another way. Having done program after program, they are used to being told to do...