by Paula Coleman | Mar 21, 2023 | Uncategorized
A Weight of Grace small group facilitator recently called with a question. A group member, who obviously understood the Gospel message that Jesus Christ had died for her sins and that God had forgiven all of her sins, still insisted, “But I will never forgive myself.”...
by Paula Coleman | Mar 7, 2023 | Uncategorized
Q: How do I handle friends and relatives who judge what and when I eat? If I don’t eat a second helping of Mom’s specialty, her feelings are hurt. If I say I’m full and don’t want dessert, Dad rolls his eyes. And my husband doesn’t understand why I’m not eating what...
by Paula Coleman | Feb 20, 2023 | Uncategorized
A woman who had recently become engaged to marry her longtime boyfriend told me, “Since we’re committed to postponing sex until we’re married, of course, we’re eating out of frustration.” Yes, of course. Another woman whose child was hospitalized after a tragic...
by Paula Coleman | Mar 14, 2014 | Uncategorized
Q: What if you I don’t have time to deal with my emotions any other way except by eating? A: This question indicates an unhealthy—even unbibilical—belief about emotions. If you see emotions as needing to be dealt with—in other words, making yourself stop feeling them...
by Paula Coleman | Mar 6, 2014 | Uncategorized
“I feel so guilty when I eat even though I know I’m not really hungry. I’ve blown it. I’m such a failure. I’ll never get this right.” This is a common lament among women who attend Weight of Grace groups, but it betrays a long history with the diet mentality...
by Paula Coleman | Aug 30, 2013 | Uncategorized
In my last blog, we looked at the three most common reasons why women have a difficult time knowing when to stop eating once they’ve started: 1) making up for deprivation, 2) not being hungry to begin with, and 3) eating for emotional reasons. In this blog, we’ll look...